Do you think that these are the best solution?

Rock Your Resolutions: Fat Loss Forever - New Year's Resolutions to Reality

No - there is no fit. And this is why our resolutions turn to ruins rather than reality.
We have literally thousands of gimmick diets, books, exercise gadgets, weight loss foods and supplements, and every time we hear about a new one we go all gaga thinking "OK this time its going to work"... only to be deflated, supporting our underlying self fulfilling prophecy "see I just can't lose weight". We justify giving up, and self torture with what I call self inflicted terrorism - learned helplessness. But remember, it is learned helplessness, not factual, scientific helplessness. The learning is based on negative attitudes, information & assumptions.
The truth is a dedication to self discovery is #1 to our success.
So let's keep this simple - other than diet and exercise (which just a btw is going to be different for different people... ) lets talk about the aspects of fat loss which get overlooked, and can't be overlooked. Let's divide them into physiological & psychological influences:

Physiological - please forgive the brevity:
Hormones, medications, alcohol, digestive enzymes, stomach acid levels, absorption, nutrient balance, metabolic issues, physiological stressors, adrenal & thyroid... after years of excess adiposity, or years of any of these issues - fat loss becomes even more of a science. Unfortunately these issues are flown over in a typical doctors appointment - these all merit an extensive analysis to assess if they are sabotaging fat loss efforts.
Briefly said: Wear a pedometer - get your 10K or more, every day, yes even with a desk job. It is possible. Like everything else - a learned skill - but this qualifies as a life saving skill.

Psychological - which is really what I would like to emphasize here - because these are so tragically overlooked or rather trampled on in the typical "diet and exercise" model.
Ask a professional athlete or coach which is more important - mental or physical training- the answer is both. We tend to focus on the physicality and tangibles of the restrictive diet and exercise model. Here are some, again, seriously abbreviated aspects of mental training we need to consider.

We have to get off the paradigm of deprivation and torture. We have to enjoy the journey itself, or we are not going to get to the destination. If we don't love something, chances are we are not going to do it, or we do a less than enthusiastic effort, or we quit. Coming up with nutritional choices & a physical activity plan we welcome and embrace... efforts are destined for failure without these.

Behaviors, habits, patterns... all of these are most often unbeknownst to us. This is one of the many reasons I am not a supporter of a free for all "cheat day". Food addictions are just as real as alcohol, tobacco, drugs. However, unfortunately they are usually not viewed as "addictions" but rather as just a matter of will power. Without a thorough assessment here (diarizing and journalling are key here), fat loss frustration becomes the 3rd sure thing in life next to death and taxes.

Time: The universal scapegoat: A time analysis is mandatory - I promise there is time. However, we can't fairly manage time if we do not have an accurate view of what we are fitting into our schedule! And please don't believe... "next month things will calm down and I will start"... it never works that way. Start with picking up maybe 1 or 2 simple lifestyle modifications, don't wait for the perfect time. The truth is - get he facts on what is possible before crying no time.

Reward: Self recognition and kudos - even for the smallest success. Its about reinforcement. Key to any mammalian training is reward - we reward the positive behaviors and try to ignore the not so positive ones. Learning to identify the tiny little building blocks is the foundation of our fitness fortress. This includes knowing how to recognize when our body is smiling in gratitude for our efforts. Its NOT just about the number on the scale.

Natural Appetite Suppressants - Your Ideal Weight Loss Solution

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