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6 Easy Exercises to Lose Weight

Nobody said it was easy to stay in shape, but there are simple exercises to lose weight. Six out of ten adult Americans want to lose weight, it is the second resolution of the most popular New Year for people. But you do not have to go to the gym to exercise. Exercising at home is a viable option for weight loss , you just need the right thing to question yourself . Full body exercises that involve multiple muscle groups and require more energy to carry burn more calories and strengthen the entire body . These simple exercises to lose weight requires no equipment , just your own body weight . Further integrating all the major muscle groups so you get a full body workout . Here are 6 easy exercises to lose weight . For each exercise do 12-15 reps and 3-5 sets .
squats exercises to lose WeightStand with feet apart hands outstretched in front of you . Lower your buttocks towards the ground (as if you're sitting on a chair ) until your thighs are parallel to the floor . Your weight should be on your heels , not your toes. Your knees should not go over your toes. Keep your chest and look forward. Step back to the starting position .
pectoral exercises to lose WeightGet in the pushup with your arms under the shoulders position , abdomen tight and your right to the body head to toe . Bend your elbows , lowering your chest toward the floor between your hands. Push to the starting position . The proposed changes in this exercise include placing kneeling on the ground , keeping the rest of the shape thereof . Or you can also grow day wall.
Bicycle exercises to lose WeightLie on your back on the floor , placing your hands behind your head . Raise your knees at a 90 degree angle with your thighs in line with your hips. While stretching the left leg, bring your right knee toward your chest while simultaneously bringing the left elbow to meet your knee. Then straighten your right leg ( without touching the ground) while bringing your left knee to meet your right elbow on his chest .
bridge exercises to lose WeightKeep your back flat on the floor and your arms at your sides . Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips until a straight line from your shoulders to your knees done. Keep your back straight and core engaged . Hold for 3-5 seconds, then lower back to the floor .
exercises to lose Weight Lie on your stomach , arms in front of you . Keep your head straight , simultaneously raise your arms , legs and upper body on the floor. Hold 3-5 seconds and then return to Earth.

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