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5 Easy Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Bonnie R Giller
Posted Bonnie R Giller
The holiday season is here and if you are worried that you will gain weight , as in previous years , I assure you , it does not have to be this way . Holiday weight gain often comes from eating mindless eating faster, without even tasting the food, eat without thinking catnaps before dinner or have that second piece of pecan pie , because they felt under pressure from the host. Conversely, when you eat mindfully , you are more aware of their eating habits and sensations you feel when you eat , such as taste , texture and aroma of food.

Here are 5 simple ways to get started .

- Slow down. Are you the first to finish their meal or last? Before you start eating , think about how you will proceed to eat their food . Consciously decide that it will slow down, and allow at least 20-30 minutes to eat. Take time to enjoy the food you eat.

- Sit at the table. Eating while standing in front of the refrigerator, buffet table or walking around their care and decrease satisfaction with the food . Instead , the intention to sit while eating , even on a holiday buffet . Fill your plate with good food and find a table to sit . Friends and family to meet you and you can enjoy good conversation and be more conscious of what you eat .
 - Enjoy your food. Focus on every piece of food you put in your mouth. Discover the taste, texture , flavors and aromas of the food. It is sweet , salty, crunchy or soft acid ? Like, dislike , or just right? If you are not completely satisfied, not end .

- Being in the moment. Do you have when you eat ? Make sure to turn off the television, avoid reading or talking on the phone while eating . These activities are carried away from mindfulness eating.

-Put the fork periodically throughout the meal. Look what he did with his cover during the meal. Stand in your hand? Is preparing for the next bite of food on fork chew what is in your mouth? When you give attention to the next bite , you can not be aware and completely miss the food you eat. Instead of enjoying food in the mouth, focusing on issues beyond the present. So this year , put your fork while you are chewing and give full attention to food in the mouth. When you finish this bite , pick up the fork and take another .

These 5 easy to start you on your way to the conscious power and help prevent unwanted weight gain . Steps holiday

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