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4 Rules You Must Follow to Get Rid of Cellulite Try it now

Cellulite is the appearance of orange skin of the skin caused by poor blood circulation and the accumulation of fat , water and toxins. But what causes cellulite? And how to get rid of cellulite ?This unpleasant condition called cellulite is due to several factors:- Insufficient power- Lack of exercise- Diets Weight Loss- Hormonal disorders- Constipation- Diabetes- Smoking- Excess alcohol- stress- Insomnia- Tight clothing- The use of high heelsGet rid of cellulite legs , thighs and buttocks with 4 simple rulesIf you want to get rid of cellulite fast , you must follow these four important rules . 
A . Always start with a detoxification of the body, which is essential for the treatment of cellulite. So first take a mildly hypocaloric diet , but nutritionally balanced and rich in water, fruits, vegetables, moderate salt, are high in protein, but stay away from fat , sugar , additives and artificial flavorings get rid of cellulite .
Two . Stress affects the hormonal balance , appetite, recreation and the body's ability to recover. This is a cause of many diseases get rid of cellulite and hidden cellulite is not an exception . Rest periods of respect. Sleep 7-8 hours in a well ventilated room , no equipment and no artificial light.
Three . Hydration is essential for the health of your skin. A small water consumption causes toxins accumulate in the skin get rid of cellulite and leading to water retention and the loss of elasticity. So moisturize with at least 2-3 liters of water every day and drink a glass of water before bed .
April. Exercise more . The best natural way to stimulate and normalize blood circulation are physical exercise (gymnastics ) , sport ( any sport ) , brisk walking , jogging , dancing , aerobics and massage ( done by a qualified massage therapist ) get rid of cellulite .

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