Do you think that these are the best solution?

Popular Diet Plans: How Do They Measure Up? know all about it

When you start eating healthy, it can be overwhelming to see all the options of diet plans . Is better than the other? Here is an overview of three of the most popular diet plans available.
Mediterranean dietStudies abound to show the benefits of following a Mediterranean diet for Westerners . You can reduce the risk of cancer , type 2 diabetes, and improve cardiovascular health.

 A Mediterranean diet follows these basic features:High consumption of fruits , nuts , olive oil, vegetables , whole grainsModerate consumption of poultry - fishLow power consumption - sugar , red meat , dairy productsDiet is something open , it does not provide strict guidelines. This could be positive or negative depending on what you want . If you simply need a shopping list to stick to your meal , this diet , it's easy . If you want a more disciplined diet , this diet may not be as useful to you.

DASH dietDASH , or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension , is sponsored by the National Heart, Lung and Blood as a way to reduce sodium intake and promote low level of blood pressure. It has proven effective in reducing high blood pressure , which positively affects the health of the heart as a result .The DASH diet focuses on the following foods:High consumption - Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy products , poultry , fish, meat , beans, nutsLow intake of fats , red meat , sugar and sodium 

DASH does not require the abandonment of any food group completely, so it can be a good choice if you are not looking before the end of a shift. However, you must keep an eye on the amount of sodium you consume each day. Given that most Americans consume more than the recommended 1500 mg , which can be a difficult task daily limit.

TLC dietChanges in Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes diet created by the National Institute of Health and approved by the American Heart Association. Its objective is to reduce levels of LDL ("bad" ) cholesterol.The purpose of the feed comprises :A high intake : foods rich in fiber such as fruits , vegetables and whole grains and dairy products low in fat and fishLow power consumption: Saturated fats , such as fried foods , fatty foods and processed meats and dairy products high in fatThe purpose of the plan is to remove LDL cholesterol from 8 to 10 percent in just six weeks. This requires to become experts in reading nutrition labels to ensure there are no hidden fats in foods . It also cut the flavor enhancers such as butter and cream sauces ingredients, so be prepared for this change.

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