Fill your stomach safelyThe best way is to eat lettuce. You can eat whatever you want because 100 grams of lettuce contains 15 calories ! Of course, eating just lettuce can not be so nice to do , but can be combined with another champion fewer calories best diet foods - cucumbers , containers only 16 calories per 100 grams! All this is fine, because everyone loves a good cup of green salad and you can do no wrong . Just remember not to put oil in it.
Being healthy and prevent cancerAlthough more calories than lettuce , kale also has its advantages. For example , is very rich in antioxidants and can also make you feel full without too many calories - only 49 calories per 100 grams. So if you want to try something new best diet foods and have not tried the cabbage until now, this is your next challenge ! There are hundreds of recipes for kale online , you should not find it too difficult to prepare delicious.
Follow with the trendsAnd current trends in diet and diet foods are called " coves " . No matter what kind of berries you choose, you'll be fine . There are several theories that berries help the kidneys , heart and brain , prevent cancer and many others do wonders for your body . So go buy blueberries, raspberries , blackberries and others and enjoy ( I'm going to not lie, they were nice enough diet! ) .
not starveOf course , all the above foods are actually healthy and help your food, but you can not live only for them , unless you're a vegan best diet foods . To keep your body strong and listen , you will need to have some meat . And the best diet to chicken meat . The good news is that there are thousands of recipes, so you do not get bored. Just take some meat , enjoy cooking and avoid using too much fat, and that all efforts will be in vain .
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