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Know The 5 Common Nutrients Absent From Most American's Diet.

A recent study by the National Survey on Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES ) 2001-2008 focuses primarily on the citizens of North vegetarian diet America found that although most Americans have received enough calories to fuel your day, American diet do not necessarily consume enough essential nutrients.
one . Omega 3 fatty acidsPolyunsaturated fatty acids which have argued that it is essential for the overall health of our heart , brain and joints seem to be rare in many Western diets .There are 3 types of omega - 3 ALA - alpha-linolenic acid , EPA and DHA - eicosapentaenoic - Docosahexaenoic acid .The first is in the second and third in oily dark green vegetables , nuts and flaxseed and fish .ALA can be converted into EPA vegetarian diet
American diet and DHA , but unfortunately not close enough people eat enough ALA for quantity.To be sure you get enough of these omega- 3 fatty acids fatty acids every day , try eating a delicious piece of salmon or sardines or a handful of nuts or a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar glorious or canola or soy bean vinaigrette salad one American diet day.Flax smoothies first thing in vegetarian diet the morning also packed with omega-3.
Two . vitamin ALiver pate , spinach , apricots , mangoes and carrots, to name a few are a wonderful source of vitamin A, which is essential for the health of our eyes, especially when the child is in the uterus .Nearly 80 % of Americans do not get
American diet nearly the recommended daily dose , so that the highest concentration of vitamin A that appears in the above foods will ensure that you and your child if you are pregnant , you receive the optimal level required for healthy skin and vision.
Three . vitamin CIt is found in many topical creams , but the most effective when consumed , vitamin C protects the skin from sun damage and helps restore populations of collagen in the dermis and epidermis as well.According NHANES an
American vegetarian diet diet average of 50 % in the United States insufficient digest vitamin C , which is essential to withstand the daily toxins from the body inside and outside , and the application of physical methods such as neurotransmitter synthesis and protein metabolism in the liver .
four. Vitamin DIf you experience mood
American diet changes from time to time or seasonal blues after vitamin D may help maintain healthy moods.It is also useful when the absorption of calcium while reducing the onset of the inflammatory disease is treated Incredibly 99% of Americans do not get enough vitamin D, such as tuna , salmon , mackerel, beef liver , the egg yolk , cheese , milk, yogurt and orange juice guava help you get your fixed supply .Supplements will also do the trick if vegetarian diet you lead a busy schedule.
five.Vitamin EA powerful antioxidant , which protects most of the free radicals and harmful toxins in the air we breathe, the food we eat and
American diet drink unpurified water .It also prevents the clotting of blood and may be found in major sources such as almonds , sunflower seeds , nuts and wheat germ American diet oil .Other fruits and vegetables contain vitamin E, vegetarian diet but not in such large quantities per serving.

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