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What Will You Gain When You Lose or Why You Need to Keep Remembering the Benefits of Weight Loss

Recently, the author saw a TV commercial for a breakfast cereal the manufacturer claims will help people lose weight. The words on the screen at the end of the commercial were "What Will You Gain When You Lose?".
It's one of those slogans that makes you sit up and take notice (like the sneaker maker's "Just Do It."). Achieving your weight loss goals depends in part on how you believe you will benefit from the effort.

What Will YOU Gain What You Lose?
The benefits gained will be different from person to person. The first step in your weight loss journey is to list what you will gain when you lose.
Whatever your benefits list looks like, you should review it daily as you pursue your weight reduction goals. Keep your gains in mind as if they have already manifested in reality.
Here's a list of eight benefits of losing weight:
  1. Look better.
  2. Feel better (have more energy).
  3. Increased flexibility.
  4. Fit in "skinny" clothes.
  5. Able to fit comfortably in stadium and airplane seats. (A few weeks ago, the author went to a rock concert in a nearby casino arena. Overweight people seemed to have problems fitting in the seats. It was sad to watch.)
  6. Reduced (or no) dependence on medication for high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
  7. Increased life span.
  8. Increased mobility and physical endurance.
Your list might contain other items; for example, parents and grandparents want to participate in activities with children and grandchildren.

The Most Important Component of Weight Loss
Many people believe that they can get thin by sheer willpower - by following a strict diet and/or exercising endlessly. The reality is that willpower is just not enough. Witness the number of weight loss wannabes whose body weight moves up and down depending on what trendy diet they are on at the moment.
Changing your body image through mind power is the most important component of weight loss. The point - this list becomes an important tool, especially when you attach a picture and a strong emotion to each item on the list.
Break the cycle of yo-yo dieting. Approach losing weight as a journey that requires a particular mindset. Reach your goals without outside help but with the inner conviction that you are a slimmer, healthier you. The cereal manufacturer was on to something big (regardless of the product being promoted) that can address individual resistance and built a thinner YOU.

The Simplest Question
The author invests time and energy into helping people lose weight by addressing the diabesity epidemic (there were many, many seriously overweight people in the casino arena mentioned above).

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