Do you think that these are the best solution?

Three Fifteen Minute Workouts That Will Rev Up Your Metabolism

It's All About Confusion
The fact that the body is a highly efficient machine that will learn how to do the most work while exhibiting the least amount of internal effort can be a detriment when it comes to working out. This problem has plagued many people trying to lose weight for a long time. There are many real solutions to fix this, and one of those solutions is to ensure that your muscles are constantly confused, and challenges are new. This will ensure that the muscle continuously grows, and does not become accustomed to repetitive work.
These three workouts that I am going to share with you are quick, interchangeable and provide you with the maximum results in the minimum time. They are borrowed from the concept of Cross Training, and other high intensity workouts, like Turbulence training, and others. These workouts can be done at home, or in a gym. There is some equipment requirements, but in the long run you can pick five of the body weight exercises and mix and match them doing different functional training each day. The one disclaimer I will make about these workouts is that you should consult your physician if you have any medical history that does not allow you to push your self at the maximum level for fifteen minutes straight.

Work out number 1
These workouts will follow the same format for each of them. It is Cross Training, or Circuit Training. This means that there are NO breaks, and you are to work at your maximum level at all times. The objective is to improve your maximum reps in the same time allotment. This is where the growth happens. As you do more in less time, you will start to see your gains. OK, each exercise is done for one minute flat-out, then switch. You then do this cycle, 3 times. There is 5 exercises for each routine and they are interchangeable and expandable in your own time. OK, Now the work outs.
  1. Exercise One Needs a stationary bike, You get on the bike and you pedal flat-out for one minute. This works your lower body.
  2. Exercise two, The CORE, This is the wheel roll out. Starting on your knees with a wheel with handles on each side you roll out as far as you can engaging your entire core and then roll back to the upright position.
  3. Exercise 3, Upper body, PULLING. You need to find as heavy a weight as you can pull for a solid minute. You will do Lat Pull downs.
  4. Here we get a little cardio. For this workout you will do Jumping Jacks for a minute
  5. Your final exercise is upper body PUSHING. You will need a bench-press for this as you are going to do bench press for one minute, again find a weight that you can push for a full minute. If it gets to be too much you need to hold the weight straight up.
Work out number 2
  1. Exercise one, again works the lower body, You will do Squats, with or without weight is OK when you are starting out. Again, 1 solid minute.
  2. We work the Core in the second exercise again, doing crunches.
  3. Exercise three is upper body pulling again, but this time we do rows, seated or standing is fine, maximum weight you can pull for one minute.
  4. Exercise four is a full body cardio nightmare, the dreaded burpee. One minute of these gets your heart really pumping.
  5. Exercise five is the good old upper body pushing, and this will be push-ups. these can be modified to your fitness level, beginners can start with modified knees down push-ups, average fitness, military style. If you are in good shape, you can raise your feet above your shoulders so you are doing push-ups on a decline angle.
As above each exercise is done for one solid minute and then you switch without a break, and do the full circuit three times, if you are not getting challenged by this, you need to up your weights and push yourself harder.

Work out number 3
  1. Exercise number one will be a functional workout, more lower body though. This will be box jumps for one minute.
  2. Exercise number two is the dreaded core again, and this time you will be doing planks.
  3. exercise number three is upper body pulling, You will be doing chin-ups. These are very hard to do at first, and I recommend a chin-up assist machine for these, until you can pull your full body weight.
  4. More cardio, this one you do what is called but kicks, jogging on the spot and kicking your heels into your buttocks.
  5. Exercise number five is the upper body pushing again. This is done with full body dips.
I know that the exercises and the amount of time don't seem like that much, but if you are a beginner looking for a place to get a foothold into fitness this will help you. These workouts provide you with 15 different exercises that you can mix and match into a solid routine. You can change these up as often as you like. The focus is of course that you work the key areas, Upper Body, pushing and pulling, lower body, as well as your core. If you do this every day and add a healthy diet you will start to achieve your weight loss goals faster than you realize. The subtle differences in each of these functional movement exercises will keep your muscles guessing and always growing!

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