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New Diet Disguised As A "Lifestyle" Change

Did some diet coach tell you that you don't need to be on a diet: but you need to make a lifestyle change? They are essentially telling you that you need to avoid the food you enjoy, eat less, and exercise more FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! That's the equivalent of being in Diet Prison!
Why doesn't my thin friend Yolanda have to live in a "lifestyle change" where she pushes aside the desserts, pizza, chocolate and ice-cream?
That is the big question isn't it? Why do some people just eat, and not get overweight, and others feel like if you just look at food, you gain weight?

These are legitimate questions that the Diet Industry doesn't want to answer. They just want you to eat their diet food, diet supplements, diet plans and exercise plans to lose weight. The fact is, these are only temporary measures that will sabotage your ability to lose weight and keep it off permanently. That's the real success of a diet: not the original weight you lose, but the ability to maintain weight loss.
"Eat less and exercise more" has become the common knowledge that is accepted by the public. It's been the excuse that thin people use to berate, and shame overweight people; to make them feel like it's THEIR fault that they gained weight, and can't lose it. They talk like overweight people are psychologically flawed, lazy and somehow inferior to those people who are thin.

This mantra: "eat less and exercise more" is a LIE. There is absolutely no scientific information that supports it; and furthermore, there is plenty of scientific research that shows it will actually slow down your metabolism, and make dieting to lose weight a losing proposition.
Within two days of going on a diet, your metabolism will respond by slowing down. Similarly, if you begin an excessive exercise program, you will feel a lot more hungry. It's Nature's normal, healthy response to keep you from starving.

But you say that you want to lose weight, and how can you do it if you don't eat less and exercise more? The answer is a bit more complicated. People don't deliberately eat too much food. It's HURTS when you are stuffed. They are stressed out, and probably self-treating with "comfort food" to make them feel better. When you are under the effects of stress, your metabolism is suppressed, and even eating a "normal" diet can make you gain weight. In fact, it's been thought that belly fat is the result of stress.
The best way to lose weight is to focus on your health, not your weight. Manage stress with mindful eating. You'll find when you stop multi-tasking and pay attention to your hunger, you'll probably eat just what your body needs, and not too much. Add slow relaxing exercise, such as taking a walk in nature. It will put you in a better mood, dispel stress and help your metabolism.

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