Do you think that these are the best solution?

Losing Weight Is About The Food You Eat

Losing weight is something many people strive to do, yet most never manage to maintain any weight loss for too long! But why is this? Simply because people go on diets or try to starve themselves, but we all know this is only ever going to give short term results!

Once you stop following the diet or return to eating normal again the weight will slowly pile back on. What you need to do is make simple changes in your lifestyle that you are able to maintain as part of your daily diet.
These changes basically center around the food you eat. You gain weight from the food you eat, not because of a lack of exercise. Food is without doubt the number one cause of weight gain. The average female needs 2000 calories a day just to keep her body alive and functioning properly. So if you can make wise food choices and stay within your limit of 2000 calories each day then it's a fact that you will maintain your weight and not gain weight.
So can you just imagine if you ate less than 2000 calories a day? It would result in you losing weight without doing any exercises at all! Then think about how much you could lose each week if you added a little exercise to your daily routine, you could get the body you always dreamed of with just a little bit of discipline.

Here is a sample menu that would change how you feel about your body!
Porridge with a sprinkle of blueberries
2 Slices of whole grain bread with 2 poached eggs on top
Chicken fillet, 2 large jacket potatoes, mixed vegetables and gravy.
A nice vegetable soup
As you can see this sample menu is quite simplistic yet more than enough to keep you full and only has an estimated 1400 calories. By simply reducing your calories by 600 a day choosing healthy meals like this, you could lose almost 5lbs a month without any exercise at all.
It is estimated that 3500 calories makes up 1lb of fat. Over the month by sticking to a 1400 calorie a day diet the calories you aren't eating add up to a massive 16800 calories. What this mean is that you will lose exactly 4.8lbs.
Even by adding fruit as a snack you will still lose a minimum of 4lbs a month as most fruit is so low in calories.
Now can you see how food plays such an important role on how much you weigh?

The Food
Porridge is an excellent source of fiber which is important to keep your digestive system working at its best therefore preventing constipation. The blueberries provide important vitamins.
- The eggs give you a good source of protein and the whole meal bread again provide fiber.
- The chicken again provides protein, with the veg providing essential minerals such as iron.
- Finally the soup is a tasty little snack which again provides important minerals to your body.

Other basic tips about food
1- Eat plenty of veg as they are low in calories high in nutrition and make your plate appear fuller without adding too many calories.
2- Eating negative calorie foods such as celery is an excellent little tip because a stick of celery has 8 calories but amazingly it takes the body more calories to digest it.
3- Avoid drinking your calories, this is a very useful and effective tip as a can of coke contains about 138 calories but has no nutritional value what so ever!
4- Adding fat burning foods such as hot peppers, green tea and whole grain foods is a very effective way of helping to keep your metabolism working at its best.
And finally drinking as much water as you can is so beneficial. The body sometimes mistake thirst for hunger, therefore you end up eating even when you are not really hungry. Water purifies your body giving you a much healthier completion as well as healthy looking hair and also aid in digestion.
Knowing the basics of how you have put on weight over time will help you put a stop to it!

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